"Dispatches" - Kidnapped to Order

original title:
"Dispatches" - Kidnapped to Order
other titles:
(Geheimauftrag Kidnapping)
country / year of production:
original length:
47 min. , color
11 June 2007, Channel 4
based on:
film script:
cast (role):
plot synopsis:
In this documentary the two journalists Dan Edge and Stephen Grey inform about the methods of the CIA in the war against terrorism. Supported by European secret sevices and agents from the Middle East and Northern Africa, suspects were kidnapped and brought to prisons in other countries where they were questioned and tortured.
One case is Abu Omar al Masri who was kidnapped in Milan in 2003 and brought to a prison in Egypt. The plane transporting him flew over several coutries all denying knowledge of the kidnapping.
After the illegal flights and secret prisons of the CIA in Europe were detected, the strategy was shifted to Africa. In Kenya a anti-terror squad was founded aimed at fighting Islamic extremists. But during the fight against Al Quaida many innocent women and children have been kidnapped, as well.
Marco Hedinger. Aufdeckung des "Extraordinary Rendition Program" der CIA durch Stephen Grey: Recherchestrategien und journalistische Netzwerke im internationalen investigativen Journalismus. Hamburg: Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften, 2007.

Egmont R. Koch. Die CIA-Lüge: Folter im Namen der Demokratie. Berlin: Aufbau, 2008.